

The human brain has evolved over millions of years and (generally) serves us well. That’s where the name good old brain comes from,  plus the more affectionate connotation the expression itself has. However, this organ comes with built-in constraints we’re often not aware of and that cause a lot of trouble. In one way or another, they impact our lives, social interactions, our societies in general, our history.


Considering intersections between our good old brain (and body) and areas like psychology, history, ethics, technology, etc was just the starting point for this project. My intention is to share information that I find interesting and that might interest you too.

However, more than these different fields, I want to write about something we have in common: humanity. Often I’ll focus on our limitations because they can be quite a challenge, but I promise to also talk about beautiful ways we use our capabilities.


To be clear, I’m not an expert in the fields I mentioned above and will be adding references whenever possible - there’s a lot of great material available from incredible researchers!

I have a software development background and like to study different subjects. Maybe having this perspective of a curious outsider can be helpful. And the habit of trying to keep my code as simple and readable as possible could have the benefit of making my texts more accessible. Let’s see. In any case, I’m glad you’re here, you’re very welcome to look around!